

Dataset dashboard

a. Create Dataset: click to navigate to the new dataset screen b. Tags: use tags to organize your datasets

c. Search: search your datasets by their name or tags you've created. Use the first drop-down to filter by category or search by a specific field. Use the second drop-down to search all datasets or narrow it down by one of the multiple options. Leave the search bar blank to see all existing datasets. d. List: you can sort the resulting list of datasets by creation date

Dataset creation process

There are multiple parts to creating a complete dataset. See:

  • Create a new dataset

  • Dataset validation

  • Field configuration

Create a new Dataset

Some considerations before you create a dataset

  • Each dataset is associated with a unique set of fields, and no two datasets can be associated with a field with the same name

  • You can't delete a field after you save your dataset. You Client Success Manager must do this. Be sure to pre-plan your dataset before creating it.

  • If you want to work directly from a .csv upload, see Target contacts immediately.

Step one: choose your dataset details

  1. From the left navigation, click datasets.

  2. Click Create Dataset.

  3. Choose a dataset type then click next. Depending on your choice, you're presented with a few more details:

  4. Name your dataset; choose something new and unique for future organization.

  5. Pick a source, either a SQL query you'll write that Quest will run against your database or a .csv upload.

  6. Pick the one identifier you will use in your dataset. If you're using more than one identifier in an upcoming segment, you need to create multiple identity datasets and then use all of them in your segment.

  7. Click Start.

  8. Under Database Schema, choose a database that contains your fields.

  9. Next, you need to either write the SQL query that Quest will run against your database or upload a file, depending on what you selected in step 5.

Option one: choose fields via SQL Query

Write the SQL that Quest will run against your database:

  • Editor: write the SQL that Quest will run against your database

  • Fields: See Configure Fields

  • Versions: View all versions of this query including author and creation date and time

  • Executions: View all run details (date, time, execution length, rows returned)

Option two: choose fields via .csv

Click Choose CSV then navigate to your file, highlight, and click Upload.

  • If your CSV contains headers, check CSV already contains headers to indicate this.

  • You can also override your existing headers here; click CSV that already contains headers so that they are excluded during ingestion and also enter new names under Headers.

  • If your file has no headers, manually enter the header names, which will become the field names within Quest. Note that these must be alphanumeric, uncapitalized strings.

Continue to Configure fields

Step two: configure fields

All fields require a data type for the Quest model. The following types are supported:

  • boolean

  • currency

  • float

  • integer

  • positive integer

  • big integer

  • string (< 255 characters)

  • text (255 characters)

  • date

  • rate

  • set

When choosing a data type, consider the different operators that you'll need later (e.g. ‘greater than’ for integers, ‘contains’ for strings). In some cases how the field is saved in your database will differ from how it is saved in Quest. For example, while an order ID may be an integer in your database, it may make more sense to save it as a string in Quest since you won't be using any arithmetic operators.

For Contact Data datasets

The fields in a Contact Data dataset can be used in segmentation, campaign content, or both. You must specify the purpose of each field.

If the field is to be used for segmentation, select Condition. Condition ensures the field appears for use in the segment builder, and without this button activated the field cannot be used for segmentation. If selected, the field must have a display name for display in the builder. Once used as a condition in segmentation, a field is always a condition. This ensures existing segments that rely on the field are not disrupted.

If the field is to be used as content, select the Content button. Content ensures the field is available for use in custom context during flow creation. No further validations are needed, and, like a condition, a content field stays a content field for its lifetime.

See Contact Data datasets for more detail.

For Contact Object datasets

All fields in Contact Objects are used in both segmentation and campaign content. You do not need to specify the purpose of each field.

See Create a new Contact Event or Object Dataset for additional configurations.

For Contact Event datasets

These datasets can be used for Segmentation and Results. If the dataset is marked for Results, see Create Results.

If the dataset is marked for Segmentation / Unified Contact View, all fields are used in both segmentation and campaign content. You do not need to specify the purpose of each field.

See Create a new Contact Event or Object Dataset for additional configurations.

Note on implied null values

In some cases null values are unavoidable. However it is often the case that a null value implies useful information. For example, a contact without any purchases may return null as their total purchased amount, but it can be implied that their total purchased amount is $0. Quest Data supports implied values that have different defaults based on data types:

TypeDefault Implied Value







These implied values can be overridden on a per-field basis. To do so, please contact your Client Solutions Manager.

Step three: validate

  1. Click Validate. This will check that the dataset is ingestible by Quest and, if so, return a small sample. Correct any validation errors if necessary (see Dataset Validation).

  2. If the dataset is valid, click Save to create it. At this point, the dataset will not be ingested by the Quest data pipe, but you may leave the page and come back to continue working on it. The Dataset is now in the develop status (see Dataset Lifecycle).

    • To make the dataset live and begin ingesting data, navigate to the Configure tab.

      • Fill in field information (see Field Configuration)

      • Double check the field names are acceptable

      • Click Commit. This will create new fields and associate them with the dataset.


After this step, the dataset must always contains fields with these names.

It now has a status of live and will be picked up by the next run of the Quest pipe.

Rules Tab

The dataset details page has a tab called Rules, which has dataset-level and field-level validation checks to ensure the dataset can be successfully ingested by Quest for use in your account. Validation failures result in a failed extract that generates an Action Panel item. See Dataset Validation for more details.


Add any tags you want to use to search for your dataset in the future.

Dataset notifications and alerts

You can receive custom notifications and alerts about what your datasets are doing. See Configure Quest notifications and alerts.

Last updated