Badge Object
Breakdown of how Badge Object looks like. It will be the same within every Quest API.
Field | Type | Description |
badgeId | string | Badge Id for the specific badge |
entityId | string | Entity Id for which badge belongs to |
name | string | Name of the badge |
description | string | More details regarding the badge |
imageIPFS | string | IPFS hash for the image. In order to use it append or any other gateway to the IPFS hash. |
xp | number | XP is the # of experience points that every user will get while claiming this badge |
visibility | string | Indicates if the badge is open to be claimed by anyone of set of specific users. (Values include - "OPEN" & "LIMITED") |
type | string | Indicates the type of badge, currently feel free to just pass "NONE" in here. |
remainingCount | number | For open badges, it determines the number of users that can |
badgeContractTokenId | string | Token Id of the badge soulbound nft from the ERC1155 contract address for the entity |
endsAt | number | Depicts the time when badge claiming expires. Value is in ms since 1970 |
claimStatus | string | It currently can have 3 values "CLAIMED" or "UNCLAIMED" or "NOT_WHITELISTED" |
claimed | boolean | Bool value indicating if user claimed the badge or not |
inDyNFT | boolean | Bool value indicating if this badge is added into the users Dynamic Avatar NFT for the entity. |
skills | array | Contains array of skills and respective scores that a user will earn while claiming this badge. Every item in the array will have "skillId" and "score" |
proofType | string | Indicates the type of the badge like Proof of Appreciation, Proof of Engagement, Proof or Certification etc |
typeData | array | Array of extra misc information that you want to store with your badge |