Search Bar Component

This component provides a search bar with customizable appearance and interactive search results. Users can navigate through search results using keyboard shortcuts and open relevant links.

Component Visuals

To unlock early access to the component Get Access


To integrate the Quest Search component into your project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal/command prompt.

  2. Navigate to your project's root directory using the cd command if you're not already there.

  3. Run the following command to install the quest-sdk package using npm:

npm install @questlabs/react-sdk

This command will download and install the package and its dependencies into your project.

Note: Make sure your project has npm and Node.js installed, and that you have the necessary permissions to install packages in your project directory.


The Search component accepts the following props:

You can customize the UI with type of styleConfig would be

styleConfig?: {
    Form?: CSSProperties;
    Heading?: CSSProperties;
    Description?: CSSProperties;
    Input?: CSSProperties;
    Label?: CSSProperties;
    Footer?: CSSProperties;
    Icon?: CSSProperties;
    listHover?: {
      background?: string;
      iconBackground?: string;
      Heading?: string;
      Description?: string;

Component Behavior

  • Users can open and close the search bar using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + K).

  • Navigation through search results is possible using arrow keys (up and down).

  • Pressing Enter opens the selected search result in a new tab.


You can customize the appearance of the Search component by providing optional props such as color, backgroundColor, inputColor, and defaultResult,defaultResult

Feel free to adjust the wording or add more details as needed! If you have specific requirements or if there's anything else you'd like to include, let me know.


Here's an example of how to use the Search component in your React application:

import { QuestProvider, Search } from "@questlabs/react-sdk"
import '@questlabs/react-sdk/dist/style.css'

function App() {
  return (
 <QuestProvider apiKey={"your api key"} entityId={"your entity id"} featureFlags={{}}>
                onResultClick={ link => { window.location.href = link } }\
                styleConfig= {{
                    Form: {},
                    Heading: {},
                    Description: {},
                    Input: {},
                    Label: {},
                    Footer: {},
                    Icon: {},
                    listHover: {
                      background: '',
                      iconBackground: '',
                      Heading: '',
                      Description: ''

export default App;


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