Our Pricing Component is the ultimate solution for effortlessly browsing and purchasing your desired plan. It showcases a list of available plans and simplifies the payment process, letting you quick.
Last updated
Our Pricing Component is the ultimate solution for effortlessly browsing and purchasing your desired plan. It showcases a list of available plans and simplifies the payment process, letting you quick.
Last updated
To unlock early access to the component Get Access
In this video, you'll learn:
How to use the component.
To install the Quest react-native-native-sdk
into your project, follow these steps:
Open your terminal/command prompt.
Navigate to your project's root directory using the cd
command if you're not already there.
Run the following command to install the quest-sdk
package using npm:
This command will download and install the package and its dependencies into your project.
Make sure your project has npm and Node.js installed, and that you have the necessary permissions to install packages in your project directory.
The Pricing component accepts the following props
Prop Name | Type | Required | Details |
stripePublishableKey | string | yes | Stripe publishable key of the account for payment |
data | Tplan[] | yes | Array of payment plans |
onPlanSelect | onPlanSelect | optional | Callback function which fires everytime any plan is selected |
createPaymentIntent | createPaymentIntent | yes | Callback which creates paymentIntent by taking the card and paymentMethod data and returns the clientSecret and intentId |
onPaymentSuccess | onPaymentSuccess | optional | Success callback for payment success which gives the paymentIntent info |
To integrate the Pricing component into your React application, follow these steps
Import the Pricing Component: Import the Tutorial component from the @questlabs/react--native-sdk
Here's an example of how to use the Banner component within your React Native application.
The above example does not use all the props. Feel free to explore them